Land, mines and borders: from Sør-Varanger to the Upper Seriana Valley (IT)

Land, mines and borders: from Sør-Varanger to the Upper Seriana Valley (IT)
Tea Andreoletti is an artistic researcher and performance artist working within modes of storytelling and social and cultural activism. Her performance project Call For Stand-In Mayors And Counselors: Land, mines and borders: from Sør-Varanger (NO) to the Upper Seriana Valley (IT) is part of a longer term engagement concerned with visiting places and comparing political microclimates and communities within semi-periphery places. The long-term vision for the work will see Tea running for mayor in her home town of Gromo, Italy in 2026. To continue her work she needs the help of the people of Sør Varanger!
How would you govern a small valley in Northern Italy?
Gromo (1,200 inhabitants), is one of the 4 villages of the Upper Seriana Valley. A mountainous environment with few resources, a lack of jobs, and a population where around 50% tend to vote for a far-right party. Gromo shares its borders with Valgoglio, Gandellino and Valbondione. For their economic survival, these villages should unite. Unfortunately, due to their conservative approach, the lack of dialogue and the fear of losing property rights, the union’s agreement has yet to be reached. The artist will explore these issues in Kirkenes through dialogue with the communities of Sør Varanger.
The work is imagined as an imaginary city council meeting where the audience takes the roles of the council members of the Upper Seriana Valley. Together, they discuss the necessity of the union. The performance would like to imagine a different vision of the village’s future through foreigner’s sensibilities. But above all, it wants to trigger thoughts around common issues. The report of the meeting – with proposals and dialogues – will be made available to both Sør-Varanger and Upper Seriana Valley population.
With thanks to the mayor of Sør-Varanger, Lena N. Bergeng for helping with the research of this project.